Definition of Black magic

1. Noun. The belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world.

Definition of Black magic

1. Noun. (idiomatic) Magic derived from evil forces, as distinct from good or benign forces; or magic performed with the intention of doing harm. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Black Magic

black knight
black knights
black knot
black larch
black lead
black letter
black letters
black light
black line
black locust
black locusts
black lotion
black lovage
black lung
black lung disease
black magic
black magick
black maire
black mallee
black mamba
black mambas
black man
black mangrove
black maple
black margate
black mark
black market
black marketeer
black markets
black marlin

Literary usage of Black magic

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. English Literature: An Illustrated Record by Richard Garnett, Edmund Gosse (1905)
"... and then interfering effectually ; devoted to lawful knowledge, but the sworn enemy of black magic—such was James in James's eyes, and such is Prospero. ..."

2. The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1897)
"... black magic AT WORK. of the Black Art. These are our modern Roman Catholic " fathers " and clergy. Most of the hieratic writings and symbols have been ..."

3. Natives of Northern India by William Crooke (1907)
"Nudity. Hair loosed. Contagious Magic. Identification of the magician. Magical spells. black magic. Controlling a demon. The charmed circle. Shamanism. ..."

4. Magic, White and Black: The Science of Finite and Infinite Life, Containing by Franz Hartmann (1904)
"To show to what aberrations of mind a craving for the power of working black magic may lead, it may be mentioned that the would-be black magician, ..."

5. The Profits of Religion: An Essay in Economic Interpretation by Upton Sinclair (1918)
"black magic What all this means is that we have a continent, with a hundred million half-educated people, materially prosperous, but spiritually starving; ..."

6. Roma Beata: Letters from the Eternal City by Maud Howe Elliott (1904)
"... black magic AND WHITE — WITCH'S NIGHT PALAZZA RUSTICUCCI, ROME, March 16, 1899. LETTERS from Maine and New Hampshire give accounts of dreadful freshets ..."

7. English Literature: An Illustrated Record by Richard Garnett, Edmund Gosse (1905)
"... and then interfering effectually ; devoted to lawful knowledge, but the sworn enemy of black magic—such was James in James's eyes, and such is Prospero. ..."

8. The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1897)
"... black magic AT WORK. of the Black Art. These are our modern Roman Catholic " fathers " and clergy. Most of the hieratic writings and symbols have been ..."

9. Natives of Northern India by William Crooke (1907)
"Nudity. Hair loosed. Contagious Magic. Identification of the magician. Magical spells. black magic. Controlling a demon. The charmed circle. Shamanism. ..."

10. Magic, White and Black: The Science of Finite and Infinite Life, Containing by Franz Hartmann (1904)
"To show to what aberrations of mind a craving for the power of working black magic may lead, it may be mentioned that the would-be black magician, ..."

11. The Profits of Religion: An Essay in Economic Interpretation by Upton Sinclair (1918)
"black magic What all this means is that we have a continent, with a hundred million half-educated people, materially prosperous, but spiritually starving; ..."

12. Roma Beata: Letters from the Eternal City by Maud Howe Elliott (1904)
"... black magic AND WHITE — WITCH'S NIGHT PALAZZA RUSTICUCCI, ROME, March 16, 1899. LETTERS from Maine and New Hampshire give accounts of dreadful freshets ..."

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